James Demuynck

BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer, SFG Level II, Certified Bioprint Practitioner

"Made me stronger physical and mentally"

I started training with James in May of this year with the goal of improving strength and running. I have always been concerned with weight loss and dieting, but since I’ve started training with James my outlook has changed. I am more concerned with building strength and living a healthy lifestyle. I had never used a personal trainer before, and wasn’t really too sure what to expect. I usually did my own thing at the gym, running on the treadmill and other cardio activities, with a little bit of strength training, as well as at home workout DVDs. I have also tried boot camps as well as hot yoga, but I always dreaded going. I look forward to my workouts with James and will continue working with him for as long as I possibly can. I train about one to two times a week on top of going for a couple runs a week, and after almost three months I have noticed big changes. I have participated in Vancouver’s Underwear Affair 10 km run for three years now. The first time I ran it in 57 minutes and the second time I ran it in about 59 minutes. This year I ran it in an amazing 53 minutes on July 6th; my best 10 km run ever. Not only did I feel great running, I didn’t experience the exhaustion and soreness during or after the run like I have in past years. Training with James has made me stronger physically and mentally. He has given me great nutritional tips that I can easily incorporate into my meal planning. I have better posture and I’m more toned and confident than I ever was before. James’s encouragement and positive attitude has kept me going and has changed my outlook on working out. The workouts are tough, but not impossible, and he makes them fun. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about his work and you can tell he loves passing it on to others. I would definitely recommend James to anyone looking to improve his or her fitness. He is an amazing trainer and a great dude.

- Amanda F, Langley BC