James Demuynck

BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer, SFG Level II, Certified Bioprint Practitioner

"Hooked on James' style of training"

Late last May I started working with James two days a week for one hour. Having recently healed from a back injury, I was eager to strengthen my core and improve my overall fitness. I had never worked with a trainer before and my gym experience was limited to treadmills and ellipticals.

I tried a boot camp style of training once which left me feeling completely incompetent. It just wasn't for me.

Fairly quickly into our training I began to feel stronger and more confident in my ability to execute the types of movements that he was teaching me. James helped me to build my confidence by showing me what I COULD do rather than what I couldn't do. It was very empowering!

Hooked on James' style of training, I signed up for his 12-week group program. We trained four days a week and received nutritional guidelines that he custom designed for us. I was a little concerned about moving into a group format after having the luxury of working with him one-on-one. What I learned about James is that he is a master at attending to his clients' needs in either setting. He is able to keep the flow of a group regardless of the group's diversity. He ensures that each member receives the attention they need in order to maximize the benefit of each exercise. His vast experience enables him to accommodate people of all fitness levels and abilities.

I appreciate that James is committed to lifelong learning and is continually experimenting with and implementing new techniques. James' passion for training and fitness is infectious! I dare you not to get hooked. I'm doing things at the gym that I never thought I was capable of doing . . . after only six months! Best lifestyle change I've ever made. Looking forward to the next 12 weeks. Thanks James.

- Jennifer T, Surrey BC